| 1. | In view of the communitys preference for consumer information , the department encourages the trade to adopt a voluntary labelling system for gm food 不过,鉴于市民作为消费者,希望得到有关食物的资料,因此,本署鼓励业界自愿为基因改造食物加上标签。 |
| 2. | There is also a clear community preference for mandatory building inspection as a practicable long - term solution for addressing this problem of building neglect 谘询结果亦显示,社会大众普遍认为强制验楼是切实而有效的长远措施,以解决楼宇失修问题。 |
| 3. | There is also a clear community preference for mandatory building inspection as a practicable long - term solution for addressing this problem of building neglect 谘询结果亦显示,社会大众普遍认为强制验楼是切实而有效的长远措施,以解决楼宇失修问题。 |
| 4. | Results of the consultation , which were released in january this year , point to a community preference for mandatory building inspection as a practicable and effective long - term solution to ensuring proper building maintenance by property owners 今年一月发表的谘询结果,指出市民属意实施强制验楼,作为确保业主妥善维修楼宇的实际及有效长远解决方法。 |
| 5. | 29 . the results of the public consultation on building management and maintenance also reveal a broad community preference for putting in place some form of mandatory requirements on owners as an effective measure to ensure proper building management and maintenance 29 .楼宇管理和维修的公众谘询结果亦显示公众广泛属意对业主作某种形式的强制要求,作为一种有效确保妥善楼宇管理和维修的措施。 |
| 6. | 29 . the results of the public consultation on building management and maintenance also reveal a broad community preference for putting in place some form of mandatory requirement on owners as an effective long - term measure to ensure proper building management and maintenance 29 .楼宇管理及维修公众谘询的结果亦显示,社会人士普遍支持对业主实施某种形式的强制规定,作为有效确保楼宇得到妥善管理和维修的长远措施。 |